Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Health Pro Tip: Avoid a Static Posture

Back pain is one of the most common injuries that often employees complain about, and the reason being for this is because of the fact that they are glued to their chair for hours together. One may not be fully aware of the stress that the spinal cord is experiencing and this is one of the reasons for extreme back pains and injuries. 

The Problem:

When you’re sitting in office in a static posture for a very long time, it is very natural that you will hunch or slouch down in the chair. You may not realize this yourself, but you can observe your co-workers around you do it. If this is not dealt with precautionary measures, there could be serious injuries causing lower back pains, or worsen an existing back problem. 

What can you do?

On an occasional basis, take a couple of minutes from your work schedule to do the following:
  • Cross your arms behind your back, and stretch your shoulders and chest.
  • Alternately, you can simply stand up and sit down, or take a small walk around the office.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Being Organised & Improve Productivity

Do you at times, start your day feeling positive and invigorated about things you want to accomplish, though when the day ends you feel defeated because you haven’t managed to do as much as you wanted to? 
Confidence takes the backseat every time this happens, I'm sure you understand what I mean by this. Organizing yourself is the first step towards becoming more confident.
How often have you heard somebody state they are good at “multitasking?” You may have even noticed this being listed as a wanted skill in many  job postings. Despite the fact that multitasking may seem to allow for higher productivity and capability, the reality is that this approach to work doesn’t let you become fully ingrained in any of the tasks you may be attempting to do at once. 
Whether you're a business owner, work-at-home-mom, stay-at-home-father, or an employee, being busy means having a plateful of goals on your to­do list. What we don’t have is enough hours in the day. 

Here’s where timeboxing helps! 
Timeboxing is an easy time­-management technique that big software houses and consulting firms use to supervise their projects. Timeboxing also increases your awareness of time, it pushes you to practice your estimations of required duration, and over time it develops your judgement to a honed edge. Ultimately, timeboxing entitles you to inevitably think about the value you are adding, eventually gauging your risks and scoping out the edge you might have. It is the process of organising your time so as to manage all your tasks efficiently. 

Let’s assume you have a section of four hours in a day that you can use to get things accomplished. Maybe your kids are at school, or it’s the time you have in the evening. Now let’s assume you have four tasks that you’re working on. You’re going to divide your four hours into parts of time allocated to each task.   

  1.  Set a timer on your phone or in your browser for one hour and start working on project #1.

  2. As the timer goes off you’re going to stop immediately. STOP! Even if you haven’t completed.

  3. You’re going to take a minute to jot down quick notes on where you are with your task and what you need to do next.

  4. Then you reset your timer and start to work on project #2.

While the timeboxing technique might not help everyone finish each of their tasks, but it definitely helps one make progress. It also adds greatly to the individual’s understanding on how they can manage certain tasks in more efficient a fashion. This efficiency encourages you to take up work more often and more regularly. It sets off a process of baby steps that finally culminates into the achievement of the final goal. Timeboxing is essentially creating little boxes of time that help you focus only on the work at hand instead of getting distracted with pointless trifles. 

If you believe you have too much to do and not so much time to finish it all, you might get procrastination paralysis! However, as you’re quite literally ‘on the clock', timeboxing can positively make you more productive on the task at hand because it actually tricks your brain into focusing! 

Don’t leave things to your memory, it’s always better to have things written down. Making a to-do list will give you clarity on what needs to be done and will make work seem manageable. Take notes of important things to avoid forgetting them.
The Pomodoro technique is a time management method where you work for 25 minutes on one thing with full concentration. After that you take a five minute break and get back to work. After four such 25 minute stretches, you can take a half hour break. This technique is known to increase productivity and reduce fatigue. 
Taking a twenty minute nap can take you a long way. Most people consider naps a waste of time but a little bit of shut-eye gives your body the rest it needs. You will wake up fresh and ready to take up challenges. Studies even show that taking short naps can increase your alertness and creativity. 

If you have a specific goal or target to achieve, creating an inspiration board can do wonders for you. It basically comprises of pictures and motivational slogans relevant to your goal. Having an inspiration board in your room repeatedly sends those messages to your subconscious. Your mind is more powerful than you think; these registered images will keep you motivated and focused. If there is a task to be done, and it won’t take more than two minutes to do it, do it immediately. There’s no point in putting off work for later, because that later usually never arrives. It won’t take you long, and even if you only do the two minute tasks in a day, you get a lot more done than you could have with a confused and procrastinating mindset. When things are not in their place, you end up wasting a lot of time looking for them. A cluttered work space can be very distracting and causes unnecessary feelings of stress and anxiety. 

Why You Should Be Writing Your Goals:
Every single thing that we do has a purpose to it. Most of us wish to achieve certain things in life and our behavior is usually directed towards those goals. While some work their way towards these goals, others have no clue how to get there. What is it that the two groups are doing differently? One highly effective strategy that the former group uses is to write their goals down. 

Research provides statistically significant support to this claim. In a study conducted  by psychologist Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at California’s Dominican University, there was a significant difference between people who achieved their written goals and the ones who just thought about it. It was found that individuals who wrote their goals achieved more than those who only thought of the goals. And most importantly, this made the stress reduction in them possible without much of effort because they had a clear idea of what to do or achieve. 

Writing Brings Clarity

“If it is not written down, it doesn’t exist- Anais Nin 

Imagine a football game without any goal posts. The players won’t know where to run or where to shoot the ball! Similarly, when you don’t have clearly defined goals, you end up doing things that aren’t remotely connected to what you really want. When you write your goals down you are forced to be clear about what you want to achieve. This clarity gives you the ability to make clear cut decisions regarding what needs to be done. Moreover, it will give your goals a concrete format; you could put it up on your bedroom wall. Every time you look at your words, you will be reminded of your dream and stay motivated. 

If you only think about your goals, you’re using the right side of the brain, the imaginative side. But when you write them down, you engage the left side as well which uses logic. The corpus Colosseum is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres. It also sends signals to a fluid that surrounds the brain and travels up and down the spinal column. Because of this, when you write down your goal, you send the message to every cell of your body and it enters your subconscious mind. The subconscious allows you to see opportunities you may not have observed before writing your goal. 

Having your goals in a written format lets you play around with the specifics. In all likelihood, your dream is a big one. Probably not something that can be achieved overnight. The idea is to identify where you are and where you want to be so that you can chalk out the steps to get there. You can break each goal down into a set of benchmarks. Use the following headers to track your progress; 

·         Current status 

·         Minimum acceptable level 

·         Satisfactory improvement 

·         Outstanding achievement 

Every day, look at your goal chart and get ready for action.You can always have your goal a pictorial form. We remember things 65% better when they’re attached to a picture. Part of the reason why people avoid planning their goals is because they’re afraid of failure. Your brain emits oxytocin and serotonin when you draw and dream, so you feel happy, capable and confident. Put up a relevant picture next to your goal chart; you will experience a spurt in motivation every time you look at it.

Being a little organised in life can really make things easier for you. While it does increase your productivity and efficiency,   it also gives you the gift of time. Imagine not having to postpone the things work won’t let you do for the weekend. Being organised allows you to take control. A bit of planning and prioritizing every day  can help you gain that extra hour. This not only gives you a relief mentally, but also reduces stress. 

How Indoor Greenery Boosts Mood and Reduces Stress

Therapies can be more beneficial than medication as stress resides in the mind. Among other therapies, one of the most economical, easy yet efficient therapy that you can adopt immediately, is decorating your house with home plants. We all love home plants and visiting our relative who have a variety of home plants makes us feel refreshed. Their beauty can only be one of the many reasons. Various studies and researches on home plants show that they possess the proven stress-busting qualities. Here are 5 of them: 

Have you ever noticed the instant joy that you feel when you visit your nearby garden? One of the strong reasons behind that joy is the smell of various plants and flowers. It is now scientifically proven that the different fragrances play a key role in influencing your mood. The organic smell of greenery creates a picture of a well-nourished plant and connects us with the nature that reminds us of our basic nature - peace and joy! Keeping house plants in the places like a drawing room, parlor and bedroom can certainly reduce the stress with their soothing effect. For the best therapeutic effect, you can go for lavender, jasmine, basil or money plant. 

There is a close connection between oxygen and stress. When you are stressed you have a stifling feeling. That’s why living in a stifled ambiance, lacking adequate oxygen supply can induce stress. Plants are the best sources of oxygen. Besides, the oxygen also plays a key role in proper functioning of our brain. They offer you sufficient oxygen to breathe freely and thus induce a feeling of well-being. 

According to the reports of a research, the soil contains specific microbes known as M.vaccae. These microbes play a major role in reducing the stress while enhancing the mood. The soil used in the house plants contain a reasonable amount of M.Vaccae that plays the dual role of stress busters and mood enhancers. 

Apart from oxygen, plants also release phytoncides that shield them from a number of diseases. But at the same time, they also have a certain positive effect on your immune system too. They also work as aromatherapy for stressed neurons. That is why we can notice the palpable effects on our mood when we are engaged in trimming or watering plants. 

In the medicinal field, there is a particular therapy called horticultural therapy. It is aimed at healing mental illness by encouraging patients to involve in different activities associated with plants like watering and trimming. Over a certain period of time, a quaint relation develops between a man and plants that boost the confidence and nurture the mind. It also offers a feeling of bonding. As your attention is diverted to taking care of plants, you don’t reflect on disturbing thoughts that result in stress. Besides, you also get a certain feeling of achievement when the plants grow due to your efforts.

Friday, August 25, 2017

How sleep, exercise and diet are interrelated

Researchers have proved that exercising is an essential aspect that you should be focussing on when it comes to your sleep. 
There are a number of ways exercise can put you to sleep. Exercising exhausts your body, it needs rest and it needs to recover, this automatically activates your sleep receptors and pushes you into a serene slumber. One of the main reasons you cannot fall asleep easily is that your mind is not at rest. It is anxious and stressed out. When you exercise you relieve this stress both physically as well as mentally. A hormone called cortisol that makes you put on weight is released when you exercise. The loss of this hormone is what helps you snooze. Research suggests that people who exercise sleep 1.2 hours more than those you don’t. They also wake up fresh in the morning and are ready to take up daily tasks without hesitation. 

A regular sleep cycle is a result of numerous factors and exercise is a crucial part of it. Not many of us know this by there are 3 types of sleep 

1) Slow Wave sleep. This kind sleep is absolutely necessary for your body to repair and maintain itself 

2) The second type of sleep is Rapid eye Movement (REM) sleep. Nights filled with dreams and nightmares is included in this kind of sleep. 

3) The third type of sleep is N2 sleep. This includes more than half of our overall sleep time. 

Studies proved that exercising increases slow wave sleep time, decreased REM sleep time and showed a great improvement in the overall N2 sleep. 

What are the kinds of exercises you should do to fall asleep?

You can hit the gym, join a dance fitness class, go for aerobics, try swimming, do a few quick sit-ups, crunches or lunges. You can also join a sport like a tennis, badminton or basketball. Choose an exercise you like and stick to it. Yes, that’s the next point I am getting too. You need to most definitely stick to it 
Now that you have picked the exercise of your choice you need start being consistent. Don’t exercise for a day and expect yourself to fall asleep easily that night. It takes a while for exercise to affect your sleep cycle. Research suggests it takes at least 16 weeks for exercise to help you fall asleep.

When should I exercise?

Although studies suggest that you should exercise first thing in the morning or in the afternoon it is not entirely true. There are a number of people who exercise post work and are able to get a good night’s sleep just make sure you exercise at least an hour before bedtime and make it a regular habit. Exercise is as it is good for you, so you are not really losing anything by pushing yourself to spend at least 30 minutes a day on something that will help you in the long run. 

An Exercise Guide for a Good’s Night Sleep
The older you get the harder it is to fall asleep. As you age, sleep becomes a rare luxury. The main cause of sleepless nights is a tensed mind. All the above exercises aid the relaxation of the mind. Once your mind is at peace your body will automatically calm down. So if sleep is a guest that hardly visits you then check out a list of exercises that will relax your mind and help you sleep like a baby. 


Studies show that those who practice Yoga for 8 weeks are more likely to fall asleep faster and get a good night’s sleep. Yoga poses make you stretch your body thus relaxing it in the process. The breathing exercises calm your mind and release your body of all the anxiety and tensions that have accumulated throughout the day. 


A 10-minute run, swim, jog or cycle will definitely help you fall asleep. 10 minutes is a bare minimum as you consistently keep exercising you need to push it to at least an hour. Cardio increases your heart rate and your body temperature. As this cools down post-exercise your body starts to relax. This helps you sleep better. 

Strength Building Exercises

Strength Training has been an amazing cure for insomnia. Hitting the gym once a day is a superb way to make sure you snooze well. Exercises like shoulder press, bicep curls, triceps dips, leg curls, help build your strength and also raise your body temperature and heart rate. Once your body begins to cool down, sleep starts to set in. Please make sure you do this an hour before bedtime. 

Quick Fix

Time is a luxury very few can afford and if you are one of those people who are extremely busy with and can hardly take out long hours of exercising then this is for you. Quick fixes like situps, crunches, leg raises, lunges are a great way to relieve your body and the tightness. If you are just starting off make sure you start with a set of 20 and gradually increase the count. Don’t just start with 50 or 100, this will make you sore and kill your will to go for it next time. 

Breathing Exercises

The whole idea of exercising so that you get good sleep is so that you can relax your mind. If you relax your mind your body will automatically release all the tension and help you drift off into a sweet slumber. To benefit from this breathing exercise make sure your spine is straight. You can lie down or sit up in which ever position that you feel comfortable in. Now take a slow, deep breath that starts at the bottom of your diaphragm and start filling your stomach with air now slowly release this breath. You will instantly feel your body relax as you release the breath. Breathing exercises help push a good amount of oxygen inside your body. This helps you relax your body and put yourself to sleep. 


Stretching your hips and back is extremely important. You can also do a couple of butterflies stretches an hour before bed. This releases the tension of your day and helps your doze off faster.

What you eat determines how you well you sleep! 

Some of the super healthy list of food and drinks that will catalyze the production of melatonin ( the sleep-inducing hormone) in your body.

Fish : 
Fish are rich is B6, an important factor that helps produce melatonin and serotonin. Salmon, halibut, and tuna produce the highest amount of B6, hence are exactly what you need for a good night’s rest. You can eat it a few times a week. Just make sure you balance out the rest of the days with other food items. 


Fruits are refreshing and contain a high melatonin content, thus helping you fall asleep faster. It also reduces the number of times you wake up in the middle of the night and assures a good night’s sleep. If you are someone who likes cherries, then tart cherry juice and whole tart cherries are for you. You can also take bites of bananas, pineapples, and oranges. Eating two kiwis before bed helps cure insomnia. Now that you are clear about fruits that help you sleep better, make sure you eat them at regular intervals throughout the day. 

Green Leafy Vegetables :

Green vegetables are loaded with calcium. Calcium aids your brain in developing tryptophan that in turn helps manufacture melatonin. (So, doctors suggest us to have milk before sleep)
Whole Grains :
Whole grains are not only rich sources of protein but also rich in magnesium which calms your nerves and induces sleep.  So before you completely rule out eating whole grains, remember that you are also harming your sleep cycle. 

Indulging yourself in a peaceful nap has a good number of advantages. Let’s have a look at them. Reasons 5 & 6 are unbelievable. 

  1) Glowing Skin
Yes, that is the first and one of the most loved benefits of beauty sleep -  clean, clear and glowing skin. Lack of sleep decreases the blood flow to the skin surrounding your face, this makes you look dull and lifeless. When you sleep your skin cells regenerate and blood flow to your face increases, thus making you glow 

2) Say Bye! To fine Lines

 Since sleeping also relaxes your muscles there are no visible lines on your face. The lines are smoothed out when you sleep well. This delays the onset of wrinkles. Good amount of beauty sleep keeps you looking young for years. 

3) Glossy, Shiny Hair

When you don’t sleep well, your hair starts to break and fall. This is because the hair follicles (root of your hair) to not get enough nutrients, minerals or vitamins. So when you compromise on sleep, enough blood does not flow to your scalp, thus making your hair look undernourished and dull. The best way to tackle this is to get a good’s night sleep. There is no medicine that is better than a peaceful nap. 

4) Great Mood
The amount of sleep you’ve had directly determines the kind of day you will have. Anxiety and irritation cling on to you like two ugly pieces of dead weight. Disorientation is another symptom of a sleepless night. You obviously don’t want to deal with all of this. And the best way to fight it is by getting some shut eye. 

5) Weight Loss
Sleepless nights can drastically slow down your metabolism and when your metabolism is slow your body obviously takes more time to burn calories. Which is why experts recommend you to sleep well, especially if you are trying to lose weight. 

Wake Up To The Truth Behind These Five Sleep-Related Myths

  1. If you can get it, more sleep is always healthier. 
    Some studies have found that people who slept more than eight hours a night died younger than people who got between six and eight hours. What scientists don't know yet: Whether sleeping longer causes poor health or is a symptom of it, says Najib Ayas, M.D., MPH, assistant professor of medicine at the University of British Columbia. Long sleepers may suffer from problems such as sleep apnea, depression, or uncontrolled diabetes that make them spend more time in bed.

  2. Some people function perfectly on four hours of sleep. 
    Legendary short sleepers — including Bill Clinton, Madonna, and Margaret Thatcher — don't necessarily do better on fewer Zs. "They're just not aware of how sleepy they are," says Thomas Roth, Ph.D., sleep researcher at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Too little sleep is bad for your health and your image: It can make you ineffective (it impairs performance, judgement, and the ability to pay attention), sick (it weakens your immune system), and overweight. In fact, women who slept five hours or less a night were a third more likely to gain 33 pounds or more over 16 years than women who slept seven hours, according to a Harvard Nurses' Health Study. Oddly, cutting too much sleep and getting less than six hours is associated with the same problems as sleeping too long: a higher risk of heart problems and death. And, of course, cheating on sleep hurts you behind the wheel: "Wakefulness for 18 hours makes you perform almost as though you're legally drunk," says Walsleben.

  3. Waking up during the night means you'll be tired all day. 
    When 15 people in one of his studies lived without artificial lights for a few weeks, they wound up sleeping three to five hours, waking up for one or two, then sleeping again for four or more hours — and they said they had never felt so rested.

  4. You can make up for lost sleep on weekends. 
    Binging on Zs over the weekend and not sleeping during the week — what Harvard sleep expert Robert Stickgold, Ph.D., calls "sleep bulimia" — upsets your circadian rhythms and makes it even harder to get refreshing sleep. Sleeping until noon on Sunday generally prevents you from hitting the sheets by 10 that night. So instead of correcting your deficit from the week before, you set up a no-sleep cycle for the week to come. "The body loves consistency," says Donna Arand, Ph.D., spokeswoman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Best to rise around the same time every day, even on weekends.

Learning better sleep habits, such as going to bed at the same time every night, avoiding TVs and computers before bed, staying away from caffeine at least six hours before sleep, and other lifestyle changes 
Thus Retrain your perceptions of sleep and get better sleep for a healthy living..

Benefits of Walking

i. Improves Heart Health
Walking helps to improve your heart health. Irish scientists have reported that walking is the best exercise for sedentary individuals, especially adults, to reduce the risk of heart problems.
ii. Aids Weight Loss
Walking is a great exercise and helps you lose weight.
iii. Regulates Blood Pressure
Walking can also help lower blood pressure. Researchers from Wakayama Medical College, Japan conducted an experiment on individuals with mild hypertension, where 83 participants walked 10,000 steps per day for 12 weeks.
At the end of 12 weeks, they showed a significant drop in blood pressure and increased stamina. Even if you are unable to complete 10,000 steps per day, you should walk for at least 30 minutes every day to keep your blood pressure levels
iv. Best for Diabetes Control
According to the American Diabetes Association walking is a great way to curb diabetes in check.
v. Fights Cancer
Walking has been found to be helpful for those undergoing cancer treatment by reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. It can also lower the risk of breast cancer.
vi. Improves Circulation
Walking can actually increase your intelligence. Walking helps to supply the brain with the required amounts of oxygen and glucose, which helps it function better.
vii. Strengthens Bones
Your bones tend to become weaker as you age. But the good news is you can strengthen your bones by walking regularly. This low-impact exercise prevents loss of bone density, thereby reducing the risk of fracture, and injury.
viii. Strengthens Muscles
Like bones, you can also experience loss of muscles as you age. Here too, walking can help you by strengthening and toning your muscles and preventing muscle loss. Regular walking can strengthen your leg and back muscles.

How Much Should You Be Walking?
Most people, at times don't know how much time they should invest in walking and end up either walking too much or too less, thus not reaping any results. According to fitness experts, one should walk for at least 30 minutes, five times a week, if not more.
If you are new to walking, you cannot walk for long distances immediately. So, break your walking routine. Start by walking 10 minutes every day. Gradually increase this duration to 30 minutes a day. Then, you can walk 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. You should also gradually increase the pace of your walking.
When you are comfortable enough, you can try to walk 10,000 steps a day. Take necessary breaks in between. And, of course, keep yourself hydrated.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

All about Nishita Kala – Nishit Kaal

It is period/ time  usually of duration of less than an hour and fall during the midnight.

Nishita Kala is defined as the 8th muhurta of the night and it is attained after doing complex calculation. It is of great importance to the Panchang makers and Jyothishis as this period is essential for calculating festival and auspicious days.

Nishita Kala period is chosen to do pujas and worship on the Shivaratri day. This period is of great importance to some Hindu communities. For a festival to be fixed there should be a Nishita Kala on the day.

For example a festival falling on Ashtami, there should be a nishita Kala on Ashtami day.
During Shivaratri, Nishita time is the time when Lord Shiva appeared on the Earth in the form of Linga and the time window to break the fast on next day.

Nishita Kala is the most perfect time to observe Shiva Pooja. In all Shiva temples the most auspecious Lingodbhava pooja is performed during this time. Nishita Kala or the time when Lord Shiva manifested as Shiva Lingam on earth is the most important time of the night for Shiva puja.

NISHITA KAAL PUJA TIME = 24:26+ to 25:15+      (12:26 PM to  1:15 PM IST,  Midnight)
( Nishita time when Lord Shiva appeared on the Earth in the form of Linga)

Duration = 0 Hours 49 Mins

Shiva Puja should be done during night. Shivaratri Puja can be performed one time or four times during the night. The whole night duration can be divided into four to get four Prahar  to perform Shiva Puja four times. Devotees who want to perform single Puja should do it during midnight.

As per the pooja vidhi of maha shivratri, Shiva linga abisheka has to be done with six different materials. The materials are as follows,

* Milk is for the blessing of purity and piousness.

* Yogurt is for prosperity and progeny.

* Honey is for sweet speech.

* Ghee is for victory.

* Sugar is for happiness.

* Water is for purity.

After the Abhishek ritual, Shiva Linga is adorned with the garland made of Bilva leaves. It is believed that Bilva leaves cool down Lord Shiva.

After that Chandan is applied to the Shiva Linga which is followed by lighting lamp and Dhupa. The other items which are used to adorn Lord Shiva include flower of Madar (मदार) which is also known as Aak (आक), Vibhuti which is also known as Bhasm. Vibhuti is sacred ash which is made using dried cow dung.

The mantra to chant during Puja duration is ॐ नमः शिवाय (Om Namah Shivaya).


|| Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe
Suganghim Pushtivardhanam

Urvaarukmiva Bandhanaan
Mrityor Mokshiya Mamritaat ||

[The meaning of the Mantra is as follows:]

I worship thee, O sweet Lord of transcendental vision (the three -eyed one or Lord Siva). O giver of health and prosperity to all, may I be free from the bonds of death, just as a melon (or cucumber) is severed effortlessly from its bondage or attachment to the creeper.

Devotees should break the fast next day after taking bath. Devotees should break the fast between sunrise and before the end of Chaturdashi Tithi to get maximum benefit of the Vrat.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Six Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

Pre bedtime yoga. It has been proven to be one of the most effective ways of getting enough sleep. 

Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-knee Pose)

·Sit on the floor without slumping, legs stretched straight in front of you and knees bent if needed to keep the spine from bending 

·Bend the right knee and open the hip, bringing the sole of the right foot into the inner left thigh and the right knee toward the ground. If it doesn’t reach, support the right knee with a cushion 

·Inhale and extend the spine 

·Exhale as you bend forward from the hips over the left leg, holding the spine and neck long, and place the hands on either side of the left leg. Look at the big toe of the left foot as you focus on the breath moving in and out 

·Repeat on the other side 

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

·Sit on the floor without slumping and bring the soles of the feet together in front of you, hands holding the feet or ankles 

·If you’re comfortable and capable of sitting without arching the lower back, bringing the feet as close as you can towards the groin 

·Inhale and extend the spine 

·Exhale and bend forward from the hips, keeping the spine long. Breathe in and out as you feel your muscles relaxing 

Upavishta Konasana (Wide-angle Seated Forward Bend)

·Sit straight on the floor, without slouching 

·Extend the legs in front of you in a 'V', placing hands behind the buttocks for balance. Only go so wide as is comfortable 

·Inhale and lengthen the spine, ensuring the lower back isn’t rounding 

·Exhale and bend forward from the hips, with hands in front of you. Focus on the breath as you lengthen the spine with every inhale and relax forward with every exhale 


·Lie on your back with the head flat on the floor. Bend the knees and place the soles of the feet on the floor 

·Bring the right knee toward the chest. Keeping the hips even, place the right ankle below the left knee with the right knee pointing to the right. Flex the right foot to keep the muscles engaged and protect the knee from strain 

·Lift the left foot off the floor and bring the left knee toward the chest. Bring the hands on either side of the left thigh for support. You should feel a stretch on the outside of the right hip. As you breathe in and out, try to bring both hips parallel 

·Repeat on the other side 

Reclined twist (supta matsyendrasana)

·Lie on your back and bring the knees into the chest 

·Extend the left arm to the side at shoulder height, palm facing up 

·Keeping the knees high, slowly bring them out to the right until they reach the floor 

·Place the right hand on top of the right knee. You may want to use the right hand to massage the outer left leg and hip 

·Look straight up at the ceiling or slightly to the left 

·Repeat on the other side 

Viparita Karani (legs-up-the-wall pose)

·Sit sideways against a wall. Bring up one leg then the other as you come to your back with legs extended up the wall. 

·Extend the arms along your sides, palms facing up 

·Close the eyes and breathe as you relax into the pose. If you like, place an eye pillow over the eyes to block light

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

5 Simple Exercises To combat Eye Strain

Palming the Eyes

First bring yourself in a comfortable position. Start this exercise by rubbing your palms together to create slight heat. Now, take your hands apart and slightly press three fingers of each hand over your closed eyes for a couple of seconds. You can put your left hand over your left eye and right hand over your right eye, pressing each of them slightly. Let the heat warm your eyes and relax them. Release your hands and then repeat it again. This helps relieve tension accumulated in the muscles of the eye. Don’t forget to take deep breaths before and during this exercise, it greatly improves your relaxation process.

Rolling your eyes

Eye rolling is yet another exercise that does wonders when you are sitting in front of your computer screen for long hours. Closing your eyes and rolling them in both clockwise and anti-clockwise direction is the best vision therapy one can give to their eyes. Rolling them in circular motions relaxes them and makes you feel just like your eyes are getting a massage. Trust us, it’s worth it because it not only eases and tones the eye muscles, but lubricates the eyes and improves local blood circulation. Pacing this rolling movement from slow to faster motion and then repeating it for fifteen times in a row relaxes your eyes completely.


Do make sure you take your eyes off the computer screen and focus on something else for a few minutes. It is very essential to take breaks in between to relax your eyes. Focusing on a distant object, about five to ten meters away without moving your head is an exercise which is best for somebody who suffers from computer vision syndrome. Not only this, it is also very helpful for relaxing the strained eyes. This exercise relaxes the ciliary muscles of the eye that tend to undergo a lot of stress when somebody focuses on computer screen for longer time.


Blinking, you might think is just a simple and a small action, but it plays a very important role in our vision and eye health. It helps lubricate the eye and protect the eye against dryness. Lack of blinking while using the computer causes dryness and irritation in eyes, causing headaches, scratchiness and other types of discomfort. So, it is very important to blink every four to five seconds while in front of the computer screen to bring some lubrication, rest and happiness to your eyes. Sitting glued to the computer screens decreases your rate of blinking.Thus, it is important to trick our brains into voluntary blinking as well thereby easing the strain of the eye muscles.

Making a Figure 8 with your Eyes

This exercise helps in controlling the movement of your eyes. It sounds difficult, but is very simple to bring into action. All you have to do is, imagine or visualize the figure 8 ten feet away from you on a wall or a floor. Followed by this, try to trace the figure 8 with your eyes. Initially trace it one way for a few minutes, then the other way for the rest. This will ease the movement of your eyes and relax them. Lastly, take charge of your eyes and keep them healthy with these exercises and eye workouts when you are sitting in front of your computer. These eye exercises will not only help you combat computer eyestrain, but will relax your eye muscles and increase focus.Here's wishing a happy vision to you!

A Few Tips for Healthy Eyes
Remember to blink regularly when reading or staring at a computer screen for long periods of time.
To help alleviate digital eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second break to view something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.

Avoiding becoming dehydrated by drinking plenty of water (8 to 10 glasses) each day.