Thursday, July 21, 2016

"Power producing brakes" - an energy efficient tool in the field of automobile

Regenerative Braking
We all heard this one in science class: “Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another.” In the case of conventional friction brakes, energy of motion (kinetic energy) is being transformed into heat energy, via friction, and then dissipated into the air.
A hybrid vehicle recharges its high voltage battery through the use of regenerative braking. With regenerative braking, instead of just wasting that energy by releasing it into the air, the vehicle takes it and places it in a box in the back of the car to save it as stored energy. Later, that stored energy will be converted back into kinetic energy and poured back into the operation of the car.

Regenerative braking is the hybrid’s first choice for braking. So, basically, on a hybrid vehicle, the brake pedal acts more as an interface for the ABS module than as a request for braking. The brake pedal and ABS module pressure sensors “tell” the modules of the hybrid system that a request for braking has been made and how much braking is desired.

Get more info (Do visit the below links:)

"Questions that need to be Questioned" to our-self/soul

1> I (-name-)  mean a "Physical_body" or "Soul" or "Combination of both"?
2> Why am i hear, what am i doing, what i want to do,& finally for what sake i am doing it ?
3> Do i have any responsibilities, other than eating/sleeping/enjoying?
4> If death i certain, to this human_body either today/tomorrow, then what is the goal of living?
5> Eat/Sleep/Enjoy which all animals do, then is the intelligence only that differentiates me from other species?
6> If death i certain, then why am i so attached to this worldly objects/pleasures (estate/building/ego/jealousy/hatred/bank_balance)thus making ourself busy in accumulating money?
7> If there is something like soul, then what will happen to it after we die?
8> Is there any connection between me/body/soul  with the environment/earth/cosmos?
9> Am i controlling my senses, / is it controlling me / or is there anything like Supreme_Soul that controls us all?
10> If we am a soul, then what will happen to it after our death?
11> Is our feelings/emothions, are closely related with our soul/body/or both?
12> Is the lifespan of our soul is infinite, or does it have finite limitations, like our body?
13> After our death, is there anything like rebirth, in some other body (same/different species)?

Quesions will go on...
Each have their own unique answers,
Finally the goal of each one of us is only "1", &  that can be answered only by our self/soul.
So always keep Questioning with your self/soul.

Be Inquisitive.

If you feel to answer then you are free to do so....
Then do it & share your feelings/thoughts with the "entire group of mankind" connected via the "Power of Inter_Network"

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Regions near to the equator are hot & how this phenomena links to the Magentic waves of earth.

Earth, however, is not moving at a constant velocity. Earth’s rotation on its axis and revolution around the Sun are accelerated motions, because the direction is constantly changing. Just as we perceive motion from the acceleration of the circular motion on a merry-go-round.
The Earth has an axial tilt of about 23.44° (23° 26’). The axis is tilted in the same direction Figure 10- Axial tilt of the Earththroughout the solar year. However, as it orbits around the Sun,  the Earth’s hemisphere that is tilted away from the Sun will gradually become tilted towards the Sun while moving on a near circular orbit, This effect is the main cause of the four seasons. The hemisphere that is tilted towards the Sun experiences more hours of sunlight each day.
The region north of the Tropic of Capricorn and south of the Tropic of Cancer is known as the Tropics. Therefore, it is the case that the Sun perpendicular appearance on the surface of the planet is confined and is in constant forward and backward movement between the two tropics. 
The Sun is situated 150 million km (93 million miles) away from Earth and that it has a surface temperature of 6,000° Kelvin. The solar irradiance in Watt/mis the power density incident on Earth due to radiation from the sun. At the sun’s surface, the power density is that of a blackbody; a body that emits radiation energy uniformly in all directions per unit area.However It is therefore found that the radiation intensity reaching the Earth from the Sun is 1,366 Watt/m2It is measured that the Thermosphere temperature varies between 5000 to 2,0000 Celsius depending on the Sun’s activity and the strength of the magnetic field force; where it is strongest, at the magnetic poles, the Temperature is 5000 Celsius, and where it is weakest at the mid region between the magnetic Poles (i.e. the magnetic equator) it reaches 2,0000Celsius. It is therefore found that the radiation intensity that reaches the Earth from the Thermosphere is 2,412 Watt/m2.

As the Sun is ejecting mass-energy of heavy particles such as electrons and protons, the magnetic field at the Thermosphere layer shields such energetic bodies. The trapped, full of kinetic energy, protons, have no place to go but to spiral along the magnetic field lines while they are travelling between the two magnetic poles.  As protons encounter regions of stronger magnetic field where field lines, they converge. Their spiral-radius is shortened and their speed is slowed down. The protons could reverse paths at the magnetic poles.

This could cause the protons tobounce back and forth between the two magnetic poles. 

It also keeps the thermal radiation, coming from the Thermosphere, to gradually decay above the sky of a specific region of Earth’s surface for the rest of the day even after sunset.
  This makes the region of magnetic equator to always maintain the highest temperature on the surface of the planet and for the regions of the magnetic poles to maintain the lowest temperature. The trapped, oscillating Sun’s protons between the two magnetic poles, day and night, keeps the Thermosphere thermal radiation uninterrupted, though decaying over nights. Such a phenomenon keeps the Earth surface safe from sharp drop in temperature at nights. If it had not magnetic field to trap the protons, the Earth’s surface would have been bombarded during the day with continuous flow protons and the day temperature would have not been different from the moon which has no magnetic field and a day temperature of 123o Celsius. Equally at nights, if Earth had no magnetic field to trap the protons and keep them travelling between its two magnetic poles, colliding with one another and generating thermal radiation to keep a warm surface, the Earth temperature at nights would have not been different from the moon at nights where the temperature reaches -233o Celsius.

The collapse of Earth’s magnetic field in the western and southern hemispheres leads to an increase in the Protons speed and spiral-radius motion around the magnetic force lines. More chances are created for the Protons to collide with one another at a higher speed. The impact of stronger collisions results in higher thermal energy reaching Earth’s surface;Global Warming is thus observed.
 Atmospheric circulation driven by uneven heating of the Earth by the Sun 
Global Warming
Climate Exchange
The magnetic field has weakened in the western hemisphere on average by 10% between the years 1850 and 2000. Additional collapse of 5% is added in the last decade. The weaker the field, the longer spiral-path around the magnetic field force lines, will the protons oscillate between the two magnetic poles. The longer protons travel, the more probability to collide with one another in the Thermosphere layer. The Thermosphere layer’s temperature will rise above the minimum/ maximum marks of +500/ +2,000 degrees Celsius. A higher thermal energy will reach the surface of the Earth, causing overall increase in average temperature.The magnetic pole is moving away from Canada towards Siberia at a much higher rate than last century. The whole magnetic field tilts accordingly and brings  the Thermosphere temperature map to tilt along. This results in shifting of the Temperature Belts on the surface of the Earth, causing Climate Exchange where regions will experience change of Temperature according to the Thermosphere temperature map.

Microbial fuel cell - a green energy generator

Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy by the action of microorganisms.[In 1931 Cohen created microbial half fuel cells that, when connected in series, were capable of producing over 35 volts, though with a current of only 2 milliamps.
In the late 1970s  Allen and Bennetto studied; understood about how microbial fuel cells functioned & how fuel cells can be operated so as to make it a possible method for the generation of electricity.
microbial fuel cell (MFC) or biological fuel cell is a bio-electrochemical system that drives a current by using bacteria and mimicking bacterial interactions found in nature
MFCs can be grouped into two general categories: mediated and unmediated.
1> The  MFCs, used a mediator: a chemical that transfers electrons from the bacteria in the cell to the anode. 
2> In this MFC the bacteria typically have electrochemically active redox proteins such as cytochromes on their outer membrane that can transfer electrons directly to the anode.
Nowadays MFC is used in wastewater treatment, inturn helps in generating energy.
MFCs are attractive for power generation applications that require only low power.
However, MFCs can also work at a smaller scale. Electrodes in some cases need only be 7 μm thick by 2 cm long.Such an MFC can replace a battery. It provides a renewable form of energy and does not need to be recharged.

Formation of the Antarctic ozone hole

Ozone depleting substances are present throughout the stratospheric ozone layer because they are transported great distances by atmospheric air motions. The severe depletion of the Antarctic ozone layer known as the “ozone hole” occurs because of the special atmospheric and chemical conditions that exist there and nowhere else on the globe. The very low winter temperatures in the Antarctic stratosphere cause polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) to form. Special reactions that occur on PSCs, combined with the relative isolation of polar stratospheric air, allow chlorine and bromine reactions to produce the ozone hole in Antarctic springtime.
In winter, the stratosphere above the Antarctic continent gets colder than it does anywhere else on Earth. 
 In May and June, strong winds in the stratosphere begin to blow clockwise around the continent. These howling stratospheric winds gradually form an enormous ring of moving air, called the Antarctic polar vortex, that swirls around and around, far above the frozen land….During the winter, temperatures inside the Antarctic polar vortex fall so low that water vapor and several other types of molecules in the stratosphere condense into extremely small icy particles. These icy particles, in turn, make up polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). When the sun sets in the Antarctic around the end of March each year, its disappearance marks the beginning of a long, dark winter. Once the last rays of sunlight have faded away, temperatures on land and in the air fall very quickly.
In the stratosphere, high-altitude winds that create the polar vortex begin to blow around the continent. Isolated from warmer air outside the vortex, the air inside gets colder and colder. Eventually, it is cold enough for PSCs to form.

PSCs exist in larger regions and for longer time periods in the Antarctic than the Arctic. The most common type of PSC forms from nitric acid (HNO3) and water condensing on pre-existing liquid sulfuric acid-containing particles. Some of these particles freeze to form reactive solid particles. At even lower temperatures (−85°C or −121°F), water condenses to form ice particles. PSC particles grow large enough and are numerous enough that cloud-like features can be observed from the ground under certain conditions, particularly when the Sun is near the horizon. PSCs are often found near mountain ranges in polar regions because the motion of air over the mountains can cause local cooling of stratospheric air, which increases condensation of water and HNO3. When average temperatures begin increasing by late winter, PSCs form less frequently and their surface conversion reactions produce less ClO. Without continued ClO production, ClO amounts decrease and other chemical reactions re-form the reactive reservoirs, ClONO2 and HCl. When PSC temperatures no longer occur, on average, either by late January to early February in the Arctic or by mid-October in the Antarctic, the most intense period of ozone depletion ends. 

Drifting around inside the polar vortex are reservoir molecules that have bonded with chlorine atoms and in so doing prevented them—so far—from attacking ozone. When PSCs form above Antarctica, chlorine reservoir molecules bind to the icy particles that make up the clouds. Once this happens, complex chemical reactions begin to take place that result in molecules of chlorine gas (Cl2) being released from the reservoirs. In this form, however, chlorine doesn't attack ozone. It just collects inside the vortex. 
All through the long, dark winter, especially during July and August, the chemical reactions taking place on the surfaces of the PSC particles continue, and more and more Cl2 builds up inside the vortex. At this point, the stage is set for ozone destruction.Warmer temperatures in the stratosphere melt the icy particles. The PSCs disappear, and the reservoir molecules that were bound to the icy particles are released. Free at last, the reservoir molecules bind Cl atoms once again, and ozone destruction stops. As it does, ozone-rich air from outside the vortex flows in, In a sense, the hole in the ozone layer fills in.Usually by the end of November, the amount of ozone in the stratosphere over Antarctica has almost returned to normal. The next winter, however, the cycle will begin again.  

In 1970 scientist discovered that CFC (Cholorofloro carbon, one of the refrigerating gas used in refrigerator and ACs) and other agents like bromine, nitrous oxide from fertilizers, are attacking ozone layer. It is found that one CFC atom destroys 100,000 parts of the ozone.Ground-based observations of PSCs, and knowledge of their formation processes, were available many years before the role of PSCs in polar ozone destruction was recognized. The geographical and altitude extent of PSCs in both polar regions was not known fully until PSCs were observed by a satellite instrument in the late 1970s. The role of PSC particles in converting reactive chlorine gases to ClO. 

source : nsf